Resposta :
(a)He watches (to watch) TV on Sundays.
Ele assiste TV aos domingos.
(b)We do (to do) our exercises in the morning.
Nós fazemos nossos exercícios pela manhã.
(c)She goes (to go) to school in afternoon.
Ela vai para a escola à tarde.
(d)They brush (to brush) their teeth and.
Eles escovam seus dentes.
(e)Sally and John play (to play)cards every day.
Sally e John jogam cartas todos os dias.
(f)Ms Kate often drinks (to drink) milk.
A Sra. Kate costuma beber leite.
(g)Peter studies (to study)history ever week.
Peter estuda história todas as semanas.
Espero ter ajudado : )