The best moment in class was when I was in 9th grade in sixth period. That was when I got into poetry and spoken word. Having that poetry class made my life even greater. In the past, I didn't know anything about poetry and I hated on poems, reading and writing. But that class changed it and it was fun in many ways. For example, there was this one time where we had to write our own plays and poems and perform them in front of the class. I felt alive, and the creative side of me came out. When I wrote my first poem in freshman year, I realized that it was fun and unique. I felt like I wanted to write more and more. When I performed my first poem to that class I found my passion. Since that day and today I have written over 400 poems and made two books. I have performed on many stages in small audience and in school. That was a good day for me because I can write my thoughts down and write the truth about the world. Teachers and students can learn from this experience that you can find what best fits you.
Jesneel Singh FERLAZZO, Larry. "Students share their best school experiences and what we can learn from them". (A) manteve-se inalterada durante os anos de Ensino Médio. (B) fez com que alcançasse lucratividade com suas peças e poemas. (C) possibilitou que ganhasse uma bolsa para ingressar na universidade. (D) foi motivada por interesses próprios, adquiridos fora do espaço escolar. (E) foi moldada por uma aula de poesia, na qual ele descobriu seu lado criativo.