Resposta :
. Complete o texto com Pronomes Pessoais:
Mary is a teacher.
a) She is thirty years old. Her brother is Michael,
b) he is seventeen years old and
c) he is in the last year of school. Mary and Michael have one
cat, Lily.
d) She plays all day long and sleeps at night.
3. Complete as sentenças com a forma correta do verbo be na forma afirmativa.
a) My best friend is Katy.
b) I am ten years old.
c) You is/are a student too.
d) The cat is black and white.
Colégio Objetivo 1
4 . Substitua as palavras grifadas por He, She, It, We, You o u They. Escolha somente as que
você achar necessárias. Reescreva as sentenças inteiras na folha de respostas.
The Brazilian and the American flags are colorful.
They flags are colorful
The Brazilian flag is green, yellow, blue and white.
Samuel, Joe and Martin they are basketball players.
Bob, Betty, Lucca, Ted and I are classmates.
We are classmates
Colégio Objetivo 2
5. Match the pictures to the correct words in the box:
Earth Day - sunny - sharmrock - rainy
a) _________________
b) _________________
c) _________________ não tem ft nenhuma
d) _________________
6. Desembaralhe as palavras e descubra os países.
a) eanFrc - France
b) naCih - China
c) cieoxM - Mexico
d) aSnip - Spain
Colégio Objetivo 3
7. Observe o mapa e responda às questões em Inglês:
a) Where are The Incredibles from?
b) What's Sonic´s nationality? não tem mapa