1)Write a question for each of the answers, using a question Word

.........I use the subway to get to work

........It is in South America

........I prefer coffee, but I like Both

.......I like to read and listen to music

......I want to go to Egypt on holiday

......My house has theree bedrooms

.......I earn $1000 a month

......Because I am on a diet

......It is in december

.......He's a famous actor​

Resposta :


Bom dia! É um prazer ajudá-lo (a)

1. How do you get to work?

2. Where is it at?

3. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

4. What do you like to do in your free time?

5. Where do you want to go on your holidays?

6. How many bedrooms your house has?

7. How much do you earn?

8. Why do you only eat vegetables?

9. When is your birthday?

10. Who is he?

Espero ter ajudado,

Bons estudos!

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