a)I am _____years old.

b) My dad is _____years old.

c) My mother is ______years old.

d) My grandmother is ____years old.

e) My grandfather is _____years old.

f) My best friend is ______years old.

2) Escreva por extenso (no caderno):

a)247-two hundred and forty-seven f) 59

b)356 g) 74

c) 568 h) 99

d) 984 i) 83

e) 28 j) 166

Resposta :


Da letra A até a letra F você precisa colocar a idade dos seus parentes quais está pedindo. Irei traduzir quais parentes são necessários.

a) I = Eu

b) Dad = Pai

c) Mother = Mãe

d) Grandmother = Avó

e) Grandfather = Avô

f) Best friend = Melhor Amiga

2. b) three hundred and fifty six

c) five hundred and sixty eight

d) nine hundred and eighty four

e) twenty eight

f) fifty nine

g) seventy four

h) ninety nine

i) eighty three

j) a hundred and sixty six