Leia o diálogo para responder as questes
4.0 e Joana so, Aunt Carle, you were
born in 1943 in New Orleans, right?Carla
Yes, I was born in New Orleans. But it was
in 1946. Joana. What was in fashion when
you were a teenager?Carla: Miniskirts were
very popular with the girls in the 60s Buti
didn't like wearing them Joana: Really?
love miniskirts! What about your hobbies?
Carla When I was a teenager I was
interested in dancing, listening to the radio
and movies. I was into fishing too. My
brother and I went fishing a lot Joana:
Fishing? I'd love to go fishing one day. Do
you want to go with me? Carla: Suro! Let's
go next Sunday morning. You'll love
it! Joana: Great! VOCABULARIO: was born
nascou, were foi, miniskirts minisala,
whats borne, went fomos, fishing
pescor, what quer, to go ir, sure tem
certeza, to go ir, 4. Joana gosta de usar"
mini shorts