Resposta :
Circule as palavras cognatas.
Circulem as palavras: illegaly - ability - Police - illegal - immigrants - licenses - represents - Sheriff - eliminate - collisions - test - motorist - name - license - accident - operate - vehicle - argument.
1. R: O gênero destes textos é dissertativo-argumentativo.
2. R: Sobre "Debate do projeto de lei de habilitação dos Estados".
3. R: Sobre os imigrantes ilegais terem carteira de motorista, assim as estradas taria mais seguras, pois os imigrantes teriam menos medo de serem pegos, e iria evitar batidas.
4. a) "Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck states that AB 60, the bill in California that would
allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, represents "a big step forward in
making our roads safer,"."
b) "Get real, Chief Beck. A license is no guarantee of concomitant insurance. Plus, we need fewer, not more, people on our roads."