Marque a opção correta
1 - Associe as colunas: *
2 pontos
Tempo verbal que expressa ações cotidianas e habituais Tempo verbal que expressa ações que estão acontecendo no momento da fala
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Present Simple
Present Continuous
2 - Como ficaria a frase do Garfield na TERCEIRA PESSOA DO SINGULAR do Present Simple? *
5 pontos
Imagem sem legenda
He is hating mondays
he hating mondays
he hates mondays
he hate mondays

Resposta :


To perform these exercises, you just got to have in mind Present Simple and Present Continuous, and their rules.

Check out your answers bellow:


Tempo verbal que expressa ações cotidianas e habituais → Present Simple.

Tempo verbal que expressa ações que estão acontecendo no momento da fala → Present Continuous.


He hates mondays.

If it was not what you were looking for I'm sorry, I didn't understand very well what did you mean.

Hope I've helped, enjoy your studies!