Complete the sentences. (Complete as frases.)
Example: (Jack/book) Jack’s book is interesting.
Sempre se pergunte: Quem é o possuidor?

(The Sally/dress) ………………………………………………… is long.
(the man/shirts) ………………………………………………… are in the closet.
(the dog/house) ………………………………………………………. is in the garden.
(the woman/hats) …………………………………………………… are expensive.
(my parents/house) ………………………………………….. is comfortable

Resposta :

(The Sally/dress) The Sally's dress is long.

(the man/shirts) The man's shirts are in the closet.

(the dog/house) The dog's house  is in the garden.

(the woman/hats) The woman's hats are expensive.

(my parents/house) My parents' house is comfortable