1- Altere as sentenças abaixo de acordo solicitado
a) I will be there
b) I won't give you a nde
c) Will he answer the phone?
d) I will have an orange juice with my meal, please

Resposta :

a) I won't be there
Will i be there?
b) I will give you a nde
Will i give you a nde?
c) He will answer the phone
He won't answer the phone
d) I won't have an orange juice with my meal
Will i have an orange juice with my meal?


a) I will be there

Negativa: I won't be there  

Interrogativa: Will I be there?


b) I won't give you a nde

Afirmativa: I will give you a nde

Interrogativa: Will I give you a nde?

c) Will he answer the phone?

Afirmativa: He will answer the phone

Negativa: He won't aswer the phone

d) I will have an orange juice with my meal, please

Negativa: I won't have an orange juice with my meal, please

Interrogativa: Can I will have an orange juice with my meal, please?

Espero ter ajudado, qualquer coisa pode me pedir

Avalia aí! Obrigada ❤

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