(40 pts)
1. Complete as frases com a forma correta de used to e o verbo da frase de acordo com as indicações entre parênteses:
Ex.: Did you use to be a good student? (forma interrogativa / you / to be)
a) I _____________________________ very well. (forma negativa / to behave) *
b) We ___________________________ a uniform at school. (forma afirmativa / to wear) *
c) _______________________________ a nickname at school? (forma interrogativa / he / to have) *
d) They _____________________________ basketball when they were younger. (forma afirmativa / to play) *
e) My teacher ___________________________ us a lot of homework. (forma negativa / to give) *

2. Corrija os erros nas frases destacadas:
Ex.: *I use to* sit at the back of the class. = *I used to* sit at the back of the class.
a) *He used go* to school on Saturday mornings. *
b) *We didn't used to understand* our teacher. *
c) *Did you used to* go to school by bus? *

3. Indique a função expressa pelo verbo modal destacado em cada sentença:
a) You *should* wear comfortable shoes tonight. *
b) *May* I have some more lasagne? *
c) The lights are on. They *must* be at home. *
d) Mom, *can* I go to the beach with my friends? *
e) I *could* run faster when I was younger. *

4. Dentre as alternativas abaixo, marque a que apresenta a função incorreta do verbo modal destacado: *
( a ) *Could* I talk to the teacher? (permissão)
( b ) They *must* stay at home. (obrigação)
( c ) You *should* listen to your mother. (pedido)
( d ) I *can* speak English fluently. (habilidade)
( e ) It *may* rain tomorrow. (possibilidade)

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Used to

⇒⇒  Modal verbs

a) I didn't use to behave very well. (forma negativa / to behave)

b) We used to wear a uniform at school. (forma afirmativa / to wear)

c) Did he use to have a nickname at school? (forma interrogativa / he / to have)

d) They used to play basketball when they were younger. (forma afirmativa / to play)

e) My teacher didn't use to give us a lot of homework. (forma negativa / to give)

2. Corrija os erros nas frases destacadas:

a) *He used go* to school on Saturday mornings.

  He used to go to school on Saturdays mornings.

b) *We didn't used to understand* our teacher.

    We didn't use to understand our teacher.


c) *Did you used to* go to school by bus?

   Did you use to go to school by bus?

3. Indique a função expressa pelo verbo modal destacado em cada sentença:

a) You *should* wear comfortable shoes tonight.  ⇒  conselho

b) *May* I have some more lasagne?  ⇒  pedido

c) The lights are on. They *must* be at home.   ⇒  obrigação

d) Mom, *can* I go to the beach with my friends?   ⇒  permissão

e) I *could* run faster when I was younger.   ⇒  habilidade (no passado)

4. Dentre as alternativas abaixo, marque a que apresenta a função incorreta do verbo modal destacado:  

( a ) *Could* I talk to the teacher? (permissão)

( b ) They *must* stay at home. (obrigação)

( c ) You *should* listen to your mother. (pedido) >> errada

      Should >>> usado para dar conselhos

( d ) I *can* speak English fluently. (habilidade)

( e ) It *may* rain tomorrow. (possibilidade)

→→ Used to >>> Usamos para falar sobre coisas que aconteciam no passado ou eram verdadeiras no passado, mas não são mais no presente.

I used to do my homework in the afternoon.

Eu costumava fazer a lição de casa à tarde (agora não faz mais)

→ Serve para enfatizar que a ação não está mais acontecendo agora.

She used to go to work by bus. (agora não vai mais)

Ela costumava ir para o trabalho de ônibus.

→ Sempre seguido por um verbo no infinitivo.

We used to play soccer every Sunday.

Nós costumávamos jogar bola todo domingo.  

**  Negativa  >>  did + not + verbo original

She didn't use to dance when she was younger

We didn't use to be friends when we were studying at the same school.

She didn't use to iron my clothes.

**  Interrogativa  >>  Did + sujeito + use to + verbo original

Did she use to iron my clothes?

Did you use to go to school by bus?

Learn more

brainly.com.br/tarefa/25233954 >> used to

brainly.com.br/tarefa/30618068  >>  modal verbs


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