BUILD COMPLAIN 6.COMPLETE USANDO OS VERBOS NO PASSADO PARA AS FRASES ADEQUADAS SWIN LIVE CLAP HUG TRAVEL WRAP REPAIR BRUSH SHOW TAKE COMB DECORATE RESQUE 1.- Patrick ....... in Scotland for two years, 2-The shop assistant ... the present I have bought. 3. Mr Rush some high buildings in 2010. 4.-The woman to the manager of the company 5.-The oudience honds at the end of the play. 6-My daughter her teeth after dinner 7.-Soria her hair slowly in the bathroom. 8. The secretary her cor to the mechanic. 9-My friend his gronddod happily 10. The mechanic my oor lost Saturday afternoon 11.- My uncle The child in the mountams 12 -Caire at the restaurant with her boyfriend, 13 - Helga to some classical music at home 14-5englo me his photographs 15.-Mrs Memilian 12. the Christmas pudding nicely. 15 - Our train at midnight on 10 December. 7-Michele to sell her sports car 18.-5.ome people by car to Italy 19 We in the sea early in the morning 20. My parents their wedding anniversary 21.-John To buy some wine at the supermarket. 22 Alexander gunt Alice ot the theatre 23 clando me last nohy he was worried. 24.1 Helen not to buy the expensive fur coat. 25-Juliette for a beautiful watch at the jewellery 26. Long her son when he come home. 27 -He his Trousers and went out 2A. The children the trip very lauch 29.-Two plenes al Heathrow Airport 30 - The football match at 8.30pm 31. The girls phe street at the traffic lights, 321-H boss o big cigar after lunch. 33 - Alfred on the safe and watched television WANT LEAVE EAT LISTEN FORGET CELEBRATE MEET KISS CALL RECOMMEND CROSS BEGIN LAND IRON SMOKE SIT ENJOG