⇒⇒ Can / Could
A: I had a wonderful holiday in Italy when I was a child. I really loved it, but I couldn't understand Italian.
B: Could your parents speak it?
A: Yes, they could. They spoke it very well.
A) When I was young, I couldn't płay the guitar. It was too difficult for me!
B) Her grandmother was bilingual. She could speak both English and Spanish.
C) In 1950, people couldn't use mobile phones.
D) In 1900, people couldn't watch TV.
E) My grandmother could cook a delicious dinner really fast!
→→ Can - exprime habilidade para fazer alguma coisa no presente
I can play the piano. >> Eu sei tocar piano./ Eu toco piano.
They can play soccer. >> Eles sabem jogar futebol.
She can speak Greek. >> Ela fala grego. / Ela sabe falar grego.
→→ Could - passado de ''can'' >>> exprime habilidade em fazer alguma coisa no passado.
She could drive a motorcycle. >> Ela dirigia uma moto. / Ela sabia pilotar uma moto.
Liza could dance when she was younger. >> Liza podia/conseguia dançar quando ela era mais nova.
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