Resposta :
⇒⇒ Second Conditional
A: My brother starts school in the Fall, but he doesn’t have a Summer job to fill his time.
B: Really? If I didn't have a job, I would sleep late every day and
never leave my house.
A: If I had time, I wouldn't stay home every day.
B: What would you do?
A: I would borrow some money and would travel.
→→ Segunda Condicional - situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional.
Estrutura Second conditional
If + simple past ..... + would /wouldn't + infinitive ......
If I had much money I would travel more.
Se eu tivesse muito dinheiro, eu viajaria mais.
If David arrived earlier we would have dinner together.
Se o David chegasse mais cedo, nós jantaríamos juntos.
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