Underline the word which best completes each sentence.
To what pastime is each group of words related? Can you add one more word?

1. After missing an easy shot, the player threw her (net/racket/court/ umpire) angrily on the ground
2. He spends hours in his (camera / darkroom / lens / tripod) every evening developing rolls of film.
3. Place your foot in the (saddle / stirrup / bit / bridle) and swing your other leg over the horse's back.
4. Because of her fear of heights and the swinging motion of the seats, Linda has never been persuaded to get on a (carousel / roller coaster / big wheel/water slide).
5. My grandmother is a fanatic about her favourite (documentary / chat show / soap opera / cartoon); she laughs and cries with the actors as though they were real people.
6. Be sure you drain the spinach in the (whisk / grater/ saucepan / colander) before you spread it over the sheets of pastry.